Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Yes, you may have guesed it, more snow today.  Maggie and I are praying that the snow lets up enough to catch the bus to Salerno tomorrow.  If it continues to snow as hard as it has been the bus wont be able to make it up the mountain so keep your fingers crossed everyone!  If all goes well we will be bunked up in a hostel tomorrow night ready to catch the morning train to Villa San Giovani. From there we will catch the ferry to Sicilia and then another train to Catania.  We will stay the night in Catania and catch the train the next morning to Fiumefreddo where our next host, Cristina, will pick us up!  Yes, lots of trains and room for error but so far we have had good luck on our travel days and are hoping that tradition continues.  Knock on wood.

It is crazy to believe that we have been here for almost one month.  Here are some things we have learned thus far about Italy and Italians.

1. Just like in the movies, Italians love to talk with their hands.  I swear they could carry on an entire conversation without saying a word.  We are basically learning how to speak two separate languages if you count hand gestures.  I love it.

2.  This may sound a bit too personal but it needs to be mentioned because it drives me nuts.  Toilets here normaly do not have seats.  Weird, I know.  It has taken a bit getting used to.  However, some do have seats, BUT they are not fixed to the actual toilet, they just rest on top of the seat.  I cant count how many times one of us has almost fallen off.  So for those of you with plans to visit Italy in the future consider this your fair warning.   

3.  Regardless of what Italians will tell you, they are crazy drivers.  Enough said.

4.  Italians are probably the most hospitable people I have ever encountered.  They are always wanting us to eat, drink, invite us into their homes, introduce us to their families and friends and show us a good time.  We have learned that whenever we are offered anything, saying no thank means we will get it anyway.  I think our record for esspresso in one day might be five simple because people dont accept no grazie for an answer.  And I thought I was addicted to coffee before I left...

5.  All stores open around eight in the morning, close at about one in the afternoon for lunch with the family, reopen around five thirty and close again around eight thirty for the night.  It has taken us a bit to get used to this but we finally have the schedule down.

That is all for tonight!  We are heading to none other than Luigi's for a final night of pizza.  Keep your fingers crossed for our travels tomorrow and the day after (I cant seem to keep track of the days anymore...).  Pictures to come soon.  Much love from Sicignano,

Car and Maggie

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