Saturday, May 4, 2013


Important to note: I saw my first lucciola (firefly) this weekend! So cool! And I was told that near the end of May the fields around here will be full of them. I hope I get to witness this phenomenon!

Hhmmm, what's new...A lot of last week was spent preparing for Andrea and Valentina's daughters baptism which took place this last Sunday.  Essentially that translates into a lot of really loud conversations and waving hand gestures over where to seat 130+ family members and friends, what to cook for lunch, bake for dessert and what to do in the case of rain. When Saturday afternoon rolled around and we were just beginning to dig tables out of spaces I didn't know existed, I started to feel doubtful that we would get things done in time. But of course we did and everything looked great!

Attending a baptism in a historic Catholic church was a pretty cool experience. Although I understood little translation wasn't really necessary. After the baptism everyone headed back to the farm for the biggest feast I've ever witnessed! My goodness there was so much food and everyone ate to their hearts content.

I met a lot of family and even more friends and by the end of the day my head was spinning circles from trying to speak Italian all day long. I have to say, trying to learn a new language is exhausting!

Most of Monday was spent doing absolutely nothing as most of us had burnt the midnight candle. However, Liz and I did muster the energy to cook up Shepard's pie that night which turned out pretty tasty. Then it was back to work Tuesday until late afternoon when a giant thunderstorm rolled in and it straight down poured, lightning and thunder included, for hours. I sat out under the porch and watched for a couple hours. Pretty great pass time.

Hoping to go on a hiking adventure later this week to three lakes that lie in a giant valley in the mountains behind us. Fingers crossed the weather cooperates for us.

Here are a couple pics I snapped on a walk!

Hope all are well, lots of love from San Cassiano!

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