Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Marmellata e formaggio e poi Sicignano.

My last couple days at San Cassiano were pretty mellow and included things like picking cherries, wedding here and there, making marmalade and finally getting to visit the dairy farm across the way.  I can't speak highly enough about Rosanna and her entire family. They were so welcoming and generous and I feel grateful to have been apart of their loving, ever-growing family. I will miss not only the people but the beautiful country side (and my daily walks), the nightly visits from the fireflies (which made me feel like I was living in a movie), working in the garden surrounded by beautiful mountains, Italian lessons given on paper table clothes during dinner and of course, the cooking!

Leaving San Cassiano and the relationships I had formed was a little saddening but knowing that my return to Sicignano awaited me made my departure a little easier. I felt like a kid on Christmas morning once I boarded the train for Sicignano. I grew more eager, and even a little nervous, the nearer the train got to Salerno where I was to be picked up by Gianpaolo. Naturally, I waited a little over an hour for him to arrive. Half expecting his tardiness, I had purposely left myself a few errands that I was able to accomplish in the meantime. I must say though, I waited the last fifteen minutes in the exact spot Maggie and I waited a little over a year ago and it made me a little melancholy not having her at my side. I miss you sister!

Finally, he arrived and it was as if we hadn't skipped a beat. He's still the same 'ol weird Gianpaolo and it was really great to see him again! We had plenty of time to catch up on our drive to the farm as I was quickly reminded how slow he drives while semi trucks whizzed by us on the l'autostrada.

I was not entirely surprised to find out that a new dwelling had been conducted on the farm, a place I would come to call home, and that I would not be staying in Sicignano. Naturally, I was a little disappointed being that the farm is about a mile and a half from Sicignano and my friends. But let's be honest, I wasn't about to let that get in my way and I surely haven't! Catching a ride to and fro hasn't proven to be a problem.

I saw most of my close friends the day after my arrival and it was nothing less than glorious! It felt like a dream to be back and to see everyone again, and not to mention to be able to properly speak with them. Ha, so much fun!! And once again M, not the same without you, and of course everyone sends their salutations. Tanti baci!!

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